How Poor Web Design Could Actually Hurt Your Sales
Everyone wants to be rich but not many people think their own website’s design is actually the thing holding them back from making money. It’s true, your website design can actually be turning people away and it doesn’t matter how good the services or products are. If your design is outdated, slow, not optimized, and basically just looks bad then you will not see the number of sales coming in that you had hoped for.
If you designed your website from scratch, while learning how to build websites, you likely need a good overhaul due to using outdated techniques. Just like everything else in the world, web design evolves as time goes on, so if it took you a couple of years to finish your design then you likely need to start over.
In this discussion, I’ll be going over a few things you need to think about if your design might be hurting your sales, such as:
Your Web Design Looks Like a Splash Page
A lot of people like putting up these one-page websites to catch sales and emails, but those are becoming outdated and scammy looking. If you have one page with all of your products or services, a TOS page, a privacy page, and a contact us page then you’re likely going to lose some sales. This is because you have the bare minimum to be considered a website. Sure, you have a design and a domain, but that doesn’t mean you’re going to make money.
Add a blog, some subpages, and anything else you can think of in order to convince people you’re legitimate. The more content you have on your website, the better it is for your sales, and you will even see some traffic coming in from the search engines because you now rank for some long-tailed keywords.
Your Website Looks Like it Was Created in 1998
One of the biggest turn-offs when going to a website is seeing an outdated template that was made in the early years of the internet. People always used these templates because that’s just how websites were made back then, but that doesn’t mean you need to use them now. Sure, you’ll get a few sales here and there by using these templates and having some catchy sales copy, but you could be making a boatload more money if you just had a modern design that people can trust.
Another reason you shouldn’t use old templates is that they make your website look like it’s been abandoned. You’re not staying up to date with design trends, and that means your website is essentially collecting cobwebs, and now people won’t purchase from you because they aren’t sure if the website has anyone running it.
You’re Using a Basic Low-Quality Template
Just like the above point, you could be using a template that was designed in a few hours and it doesn’t look high quality. It could have been made yesterday by a person who wanted to get into web design, and it’s likely enticing because it’s free to use, but that doesn’t mean you should be using it. Spend a few bucks and get a WordPress theme from ThemeForest if you want to look amazing online. You can always customize these themes to do anything you want since you have all the code at your disposal. You can even add dozens of different plugins to your website and make it more unique than anyone else who has purchased it.
A lot of people ask me “Doesn’t Google want to see a unique website design in order to boost my rankings?” and the answer to that is “Yes and No”. They want you to have a good website design that loads fast, but they don’t really care if you’re using a theme that 1,000 other people are as well. As long as you’re adding your own content and images you’ll be just fine in the eyes of Google.
One of the most annoying things you can come across online is a pop-up newsletter that doesn’t know when to stop. You could close it and it will pop back up in 20 seconds as you’re reading an article. By having a newsletter pop-up like this, you’re just annoying your visitors and they will leave after a certain point, and this point tends to be much earlier than they decide to make a purchase!
Having a newsletter popup is great, but only use it once in order to pull attention to it, don’t use it dozens of times when the user is on your website. People will see it and sign up if they want, but if they don’t sign up then they shouldn’t be seeing it 20 more times during their visit. You’re essentially pushing them off of your website because you really need them to sign up.
In Conclusion
Minimal is actually good in today’s world because people want to read what they came to your website for, they don’t want to search for it, so if you can design your website in a way that doesn’t draw their attention elsewhere then you should be golden. Another thing to think about is your template, if you’re using one, it should not be old and free. These tend to be pretty much garbage and should be thrown away. Spend a few bucks on a nice design or theme and you will be just fine in the eyes of Google and the other search engines as well as any visitor that lands on your pages.